2023 Resellers Complete

SSP Learning This new fully validated SSP scheme from Junior Learning provides complete continuity for teachers through it’s fidelity to the original Letters and Sounds Programme. The scheme includes a wide range of decodable readers, lesson plans and resources to deliver phonics learning from Nursery to Year 2 (Phases 1 to 6).

English - Validated Phonics Schemes

NEW Junior Learning Phonics Kit: Reception HP00053027 Single HP00053025 Classroom HP00053026 Whole School Provides teachers a planner, decodable readers and supplementary resources for the teaching of Phases 2, 3 and 4. Age Suitability: 5-12 Years Direct Delivery - up to 2 weeks.

NEW Junior Learning Phonics Kit: Year 1 HP00053032 Single HP00053028 Classroom HP00053030 Whole School Provides teachers a planner, decodable readers and supplementary resources for the teaching of Phases 5, 5.5 and 6. Age Suitability: 6-12 Years Direct Delivery - up to 2 weeks.


NEW Junior Learning Phonics Kit: Year 2 HP00053037 Single HP00053034 Classroom HP00053035 Whole School Provides teachers a planner, decodable readers and supplementary resources for the teaching of Phases 5.5 and 6. Age Suitability: 7-12 Years Direct Delivery - up to 2 weeks.


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