2023 Resellers Complete

Geography - Maps & Compasses

Extended range available, please enquire

Mapping Compass HE1003358 A budget compass, perfect for teaching mapping skills. Age Suitability: 7+ Years

Compass Set HP00051561

Features a mirror on the back to signal with. Includes a carabiner to help stow your gear (up to 10kg). Made from plant-based plastic (non-oil-based). L: 15, W: 3.5, H: 15 cm. Age Suitability: 4+ Years

Simple Map of the World HE1206849

Simple Map of the UK HE1206847

Continents and Oceans Map HE1350713 A simple map of the world labelling clearly the continents and oceans. Size: A1 Age Suitability: 5+ Years

A clear, basic map of the world showing country borders, capital cities, oceans, the Tropics and the Equator. Size: A1. Age Suitability: 5-11 Years

Very clear and attractive simple map of the UK showing principal towns and cities, rivers and mountains. Size: 570mm x 670mm. Age Suitability: 5-11 Years

World Map Mat HE110220

Extended range available, please enquire

Printed on cotton with PVC dry-wipe surface, this map shows all major countries and cities in beautiful colour. Size: World 730 x 980mm. Age Suitability: 5+ Years


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